We provide our partners with a combination of research, data strategy, systems design, and entrepreneurship capacity building.
Globally SMEs contribute more than two thirds of all jobs worldwide. However, they rely on human capital and financing.
Globally SMEs contribute more than 70% of GDP. In addition to SMEs being responsible for more than two thirds of all jobs worldwide, most new job creation come from SMEs. For example, Sub-Saharan Africa needs to create many jobs to keep up with its rapid population growth. SMEs will need to fill most of these jobs. Considering SMEs as the driver of job creation, they not only depend on human capital but also long-term capital.
How do we create more jobs?
We strengthen relevant stakeholders, such as incubators and financial service providers, to support SME and entrepreneurship development. The combination of business development services, access to finance and access to (business) networks within their specific industry determine the growth and expansion of SMEs.
We support our partners by addressing five gaps across our areas of focus:
TVET as a solution for jobs crisis among youth
Showcasing Vocational Centers of Excellence with accredited programs
Introducing education- and training reforms through new partnership - and funding models
Understand private sector needs and create private sector engagement in education
SMEs and Entrepreneurship
Developed elaborate financial inclusion reports on Egypt, Nigeria and Cote d’Ivoire for an international intelligence company
Developed the assessment portfolio and -analysis of all private sector investments from multilateral development banks targeting SMEs and PPPs.
Supported a West African bank’s regional expansion through the design of an integrated risk management framework and youth financial inclusion program
Developed social impact parameters and data framework for an international Challenge Fund aimed at innovative employment solutions.